▼NCORE | |
▼NExamples | |
►NUI | |
CExampleCustomTableItemData | |
CExampleCustomTableItemView | |
CExampleCustomTableItemVisual | |
CExamplesView | |
CExamplesVisual | |
CBoot | |
CBootInstallerDI | |
CConfigsExample | |
CCustomUIExample | |
CInputsExample | |
CLanguageDropdownOptionData | |
CLoadUnloadResourcesExample | |
CLocalizationExample | |
CPlayerView | |
CPlayerVisual | |
CSaveData | |
CSaveDataExtention | |
►CSavedDataClass | |
CData | |
CSaveGameDataExample | |
CStatesExamples | |
CTestListConfig | |
CTestSingleConfig | |
CTimerExample | |
CUIScalerExample | |
CUpdateExample | |
CVVMExampleView | |
CVVMExampleVisual | |
▼NModTool | |
►NEditor | |
►NExporting | |
►NSteps | |
CValidationStep | |
CAsset | |
CEditorModPlatformExtensions | Extension methods for ModPlatform |
CExportData | |
CExportSettings | |
CExportStep | |
CFilteredEnumMaskField | |
CModExporter | |
CPackageInstaller | Installs packages that are configured in the exporter package |
►NShared | |
►NData | |
►CModData | |
CImageData | |
CModInfo | |
►NVerification | |
CAssemblyVerifier | |
CInheritanceRestriction | A restriction that either requires or prohibits inheritance from a class |
CMemberRestriction | A restriction that either requires or prohibits the use of a given Type's member |
CNamespaceRestriction | A restriction that either requires or prohibits the use of a namespace |
CRestriction | |
CTypeRestriction | A restriction that either requires or prohibits the use of a Type |
CAssemblyResolver | |
CAssemblyUtility | |
CCodeSettings | |
CLogUtility | |
CModContentExtensions | |
CModPlatformExtensions | |
CModToolSettings | |
CModUtils | |
►NTool | |
►NMod | |
CModOnLoadedAttribute | Use this attribute to define mod startup methods from your scripts. Methods marked with this attribute must be static and will be executed when the mod is loaded, after the startup scriptable object has been executed. If you declare multiple ModStartup methods, the order of execution will not be guaranteed. br/> br/> Valid method signatures are: |
CModOnUnloadedAttribute | Use this attribute to define mod startup methods from your scripts. Methods marked with this attribute must be static and will be executed when the mod is loaded, after the startup scriptable object has been executed. If you declare multiple ModStartup methods, the order of execution will not be guaranteed. br/> br/> Valid method signatures are: |
►CMod | |
CModResourcesData | |
CModHandler | |
CModManager | |
CModScene | |
►CObjectManager | |
CModObject | |
CResource | |
CResource< T > | |
▼NShared | |
►NAudio | |
►NData | |
CAudioClipSettings | A class that stores data for playing an audio clip |
CAudioSelectionData | Audio clip playback settings depending on cursor state |
►NSubSystems | |
CBaseSubAudioSystem | |
CEffectsSubAudioSystem | |
CInterfaceSubAudioSystem | |
CMasterSubAudioSystem | |
CMusicSubAudioSystem | |
CAudioComponent | Attaches to interactive components on the scene that inherit from the Selectable class |
►CAudioLibrary | Library of audio clips. Stores links to audio clips, has quick access to loading and unloading audio clips from bundles/resources |
CAudioClipData | |
►CAudioSystem | The audio system that controls all sounds in the project, as well as volume |
CAudioGroupSetting | |
►NColors | |
CColorCustom | Represents palette color data |
CColorLibrary | The color library in the project. Stores all colors that are loaded from the settings |
CColorLibraryData | Represents the color palette data in a project |
►CPaletteData | |
CColorData | |
CPlayerColorLibraryData | Represents a user's custom color palette data |
►NConfigs | |
►NConverters | |
CConverterConfigColor | Converter json to Color data |
CConverterConfigDictionary< TKey, TValue > | Converter json to DictionaryTKey data, where TKey is config data |
CConverterConfigReference< T > | Converter json to T data, where T is config data |
►NData | |
►NSettings | |
►NData | |
CRefreshRateHelper | |
CResolutionHelper | |
CAudioSettingsData | |
CBaseSettingsData | |
CControlSettingsData | Represents user control settings |
CGameSettingsData | Represents general application settings |
CGraphicSettingsData | Represents graphical settings |
CTextConfigData | Global text data |
►NSettings | |
►NData | |
►CControlInputSetting | Represents user control settings data |
CKeyData | |
CQualityPresetSetting | Represents graphical settings data |
CSettingsSettingBase | |
CConfig | |
CConfigList< T > | Config, which is an array of configs in one file |
CConfigSingle< T > | A config that is a singleton-like object |
CConfigSystem | The main class that loads all configs into the application |
CEnumData< T > | Represents data from Enum and string values. Necessary for mods to work with the application. The thing is that code generation does not read files outside the application and cannot generate tags for them. Pass here Enum if it is in the system or pass here string if it is outside it (for example for mods) |
CGlobalConfig | Config with all global application data that does not fit into any category |
CIConfigVaidator | |
►CInputConfig | |
CKeyData | |
CReferencesConfigResolver | Class for finding dependencies in configs |
CSettingsConfig | |
►NConsole | |
CCommonConsoleCommands | Console commands for the application |
►NData | |
►NUser | |
CUserCustomData | Represents custom user data. Use this data instead of UserData |
CUserData | Represents user data. Stored in FileManager.SaveGamePaths.PersistentDataPath as json file |
CLocationCustomData | Represents data that is located on the location. Use this data instead of LocationData |
CLocationData | Represents data that is located on the location |
CModel | A static model of the application that stores all data about the application, user, location, etc |
►NDI | |
CDiContainerInstaller | |
CDiContainerRef | |
CProjectInstaller | |
►NGameSettings | |
CSettings | Represents the current application settings |
CSettingsData | |
►NGenerated | |
►NColor | |
CColorCustomGenerated | |
►NInput | |
CInputKeyGenerated | |
►NLocalization | |
CLocalizationTextGenerated | |
►NResources | |
CResourcesGenerated | |
CResourcesPlayerGenerated | |
►NInputs | |
CGameInputSetting | |
►CInputSystem | Keyboard and mouse input system. Manages and processes keyboard or mouse input, and can disable or enable input |
CKeyEventData | |
CInvokeKeysListiner | |
►NLocalize | |
CLocalizationManager | |
CLocalizator | Helps in localizing some objects |
►NSave | |
►NData | |
CSaveData | Base class for storing user data, such as UserData |
CSaveGameBaseComponentData | Basic component for storing data systems. For more information, please see the examples |
CSaveGameComponentData | Basic component for storing data. For more information, please see the examples |
CSaveComponentsManager | Collects all systems with data for convenient storage and transfer to the storage system |
►NScenesLoader | |
CLoaderCallback | |
►CSceneLoader | |
CLoadingMonoBehaviour | |
►NSteam | |
CSteamLoader | |
CSteamManager | |
►NUI | |
►NCustom | |
►NComponents | |
CCustomComponentBase | |
CCustomUIGraphicComponent | |
CImageComponent | Controls the image in the app CustomImage |
CRawImageComponent | Controls the image in the app CustomRawImage |
CTextComponent | Controls the text and localization in the app TextMeshProUGUI and LocalizedTextBehaviour |
►NData | |
CCustomTableItemData | |
CCustomTableTextItemData | |
CDropdownOptionData | |
CTabsItemData | |
►NInterfaces | |
CICustomTransitionUiElement | |
CIImageModifier | |
CIMaskableHelper | |
►NPopUpEnum | |
CCustomEnumPopup | |
►NSettings | |
CCustomElementSettings | |
CSpriteSettings | |
CTextureSettings | |
►NState | |
►CAnimationTransitions | |
CAnimationTransitionState | |
►CColor32Transitions | |
CColor32TransitionState | |
►CColorTransitions | |
CColorTransitionState | |
CCoroutineTransitionComponent | |
►CGameObjectActiveTransitions | |
CActiveTransitionState | |
►CGraphicAlphaTransitions | |
CAlphaTransitionState | |
►CRectTransformTransition | |
CRectTransformTransitionState | |
►CSpriteTransitions | |
CSpriteSwapTransitionState | |
CStateMachine | State machine, with its help you can switch between different states |
CStateMachineVisual | |
CTransitionCoroutines< T > | |
CTransitions | |
►CTransitionStateCollection | |
CTransitionStateBase | |
►CTransitionStates< TState, TObject > | |
CTransitionState | |
►NTable | |
CCustomTableItemView< T > | |
CCustomTableItemVisual | |
CCustomTableTextItemView | |
CCustomTableTextItemVisual | |
CCustomTableView | |
CCustomTableVisual | |
CCustomButton | |
►CCustomDropdown | |
CDropdownEvent | |
CDropdownOptionDataList | |
CCustomDropdownItemView | |
CCustomDropdownItemVisual | |
CCustomImage | |
CCustomInputField | |
CCustomRawImage | |
CCustomScrollbar | |
CCustomScrollRect | |
CCustomSelectable | |
CCustomSlider | |
CCustomTabsView | |
CCustomTabsVisual | |
CCustomToggle | |
CCustomToggleGroup | |
CDefaultStatesAttribute | |
CImageModifier | |
CListPool< T > | |
CObjectPool< T > | |
CPropertyConfiguration | |
CStateMachineAttribute | |
►NModal | |
CConfirmationModalViewData | Data that is passed to the window to fill its content |
CConfirmationTextModalView | |
CConfirmationTextModalVisual | |
CInfoModalView | |
CInfoModalViewData | Data that is passed to the window to fill its content |
CInfoModalVisual | |
CLoadingIndicatorModalView | |
CLoadingIndicatorModalVisual | |
►NOther | |
►NTimer | |
CTimerDefaultView | |
CTimerDefaultVisual | |
CTimerScreenData | |
CLoadingIcon | |
►NVisualView | |
CGlobalVisual | Functionality that helps to work with mod visuals |
CIModSupportVisual | Use this visual if you go so that mods will attach to it |
CIView | Main model of the view |
CIView< T > | |
CIViewData | |
CProgressVisual | The visual that is responsible for displaying a message when loading the first scene of the application |
CView< T > | |
CView< T, TData > | |
CViewData | |
CViewSaved< T, TData, TDataSave > | |
CViewSaved< T, TDataSave > | |
CViewSavedBase< T, TData, TDataSave > | |
CViewSavedBase< T, TDataSave > | |
CVisual | |
CVisualSaved | Visual for saved data |
CCanvasReference | |
CLayoutElementData | |
CMaskableSwitchHelper | An additional component that enables or disables the maskkable state of child objects |
CRectTransformData | |
CScaleData | |
CUIComponentScaler | A component that scales based on global settings. There are plans to move away from this implementation and make scalability dependent on DPI |
CUIScaler | A singletone that scale components based on global settings. There are plans to move away from this implementation and make scalability dependent on DPI |
►NUtils | |
►NAssetBundles | |
►CAssetBundlesManager | |
CAssetData | Represents the bundle asset |
CDownloadProgress | |
CLoadFileProgress | |
CProgress | |
►NAttributes | |
CReadOnlyAttribute | An attribute that is read-only, but you can still edit it by switching to the Debug mode of the editor |
►NCodeGenerator | |
CCodeGeneratorHelper | Code generation assistant, works only in the editor |
►NMouse | |
CCustomCursor | The system controls and changes the cursor, its appearance. Works in conjunction with <see cref=MouseCatcher"/> |
CMouseCatcher | Catches cursor events when hovering, clicking, or exiting a component |
►NResources | |
CPlayerResourceSettings | Custom user settings, use these instead of ResourceSettings |
►CResourceComponent | When loading a resource from bundles, this component will be attached to it |
CResourceData | |
►CResourceSettings | Settings, use PlayerResourceSettings instead of this settings |
►CAssetData | Asset settings for code generation |
CEnumValue | An enumeration that will be generated based on the object name. The priority is the field EnumValue.Enum |
CBundleData | Bandle settings for generating bandles |
CResourceData | Settings for special resources for generating tags (e.g. localization) |
CResourcesManager | Serves to generate code, works only in the editor |
►NTimer | |
CCustomDateTimer | Timer that runs from date to date outside of Update method |
CCustomDefaultTimer | The timer that only works in the Update method |
CCustomTimer< TData, TValue > | |
CTimerData | Initial data for the timer, immutable |
CTimerDateData | Initial data for the timer, immutable |
CTimerDefaultData | Initial data for the timer, immutable |
CAssemblyData | To generate an assembly file |
CCecilExtensions | Extension methods for Mono.Cecil |
CDebugHelper | |
CEnumExtensions | |
CExtentions | |
CFileManager | Assistant for working with files. Reading, writing files |
CFileTypesExtentions | |
CFillters | |
CGameTime | |
CHelper | |
►CHelperSaveData | |
CSerializableVector2 | |
CSerializableVector2Int | |
CSerializableVector3 | |
CSerializableVector4 | |
CHelperUI | |
CICloneable | |
CIFixedUpdateListiner | |
CIInvokeKeysListiner | |
CISaveData< T > | Interface for components that should be saved |
CISaveGameBaseComponent | Interface for scene system components to be saved to file |
CISaveGameComponent< TData > | Interface for scene components to be saved to file |
CIScriptableObjectSaveData | |
CIUpdateListiner | |
►CMathHelper | |
CLines | |
CPlayerPrefsSave | |
CSceneExtensions | |
►CSceneLayers | |
CLayer | |
CSingletonMonoBehaviour< T > | |
CSingletonScriptableObject< T > | |
CSingletonScriptableObjectAttribute | |
CStringExtensions | Extension methods for strings |
►CValidationUtility | Validation of component fields, works only in the editor |
CIValidator | |
CVisualExtensions | |
CBootBase | |
CDispatcher | |
►CGameApplication | The base class that starts and initializes all systems |
CResultData | |
CGlobalUpdater | The system responsible for updating application components |
CPauseSystem | |
CUpdateData | |